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A Heart for Shepherds: A Personal Journey of Giving and Gratitude

A Heart for Shepherds: A Personal Journey of Giving and Gratitude
Nancy Zilibotti

I first learned about Shepherds from my church. Shepherds was a part of the missionary group our church helped to support. A representative from Shepherds, along with a student, visited their contributing churches during the summer, and my church hosted a visit.

WOW! If you want to hear testimonies from the heart, invite someone from Shepherds to your church. It makes a person wonder about the effect of our own testimony on others. Hearing and learning from the Shepherds staff and students through several visits over the years would bring to mind my oldest brother, who passed away many years ago. He was deaf and attended a school for the deaf. He would come home for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and summer vacation. Once he graduated, he then came home and stayed. Now I wonder how much better his life could have been if there was an organization like Shepherds for people with hearing impairments - a true Christian school where the souls of these individuals are also being reached for the Lord.

A place where they know they're loved, not just by family and friends, but also by God.

Where they learn that God loves them the same as He loves everyone else.

Where they are taught with patience, understanding, and guidance.

Where they hear that they are capable of learning and have a place in this world.

That they are valued...

This is why I donate to Shepherds; they have a heart for those who need a little extra time to learn, grow, and become inspiring Christians. Thank you, Shepherds, for all that you do.
